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【職業開箱】CTO 首席技術官 – 百萬年薪不是夢?
在這集,我們深入探討了首席技術官(CTO)在現代企業中的關鍵作用。 CTO負責引領公司的技術策略和創新,對於新創公司和大型企業,尤其是科技公司和重視數碼化的企業而言,這一角色尤為重要。 我們也討論了CTO的主要職責,以及為什麼中小型企業可能不那麼需要CTO的原因。 此外,我還探討了技術對業務發展的影響,以及未來世界中數據、軟件和人工智能對公司策略的重要性。 最後,我們提出了一種折衷方案,即CTO可以兼顧兩到三家公司的技術運作,不一定需要全職。...
How much should we pay MySejahtera?
Some discussions are going on after PM announced that we need to pay for MySejahtera app backdated from April 2021 (not 2022). Many techies wonder what the final price is? Some citizens wonder why do we need to pay for a CSR project.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I don't have many details...
Will JavaScript took over PHP and become the most popular backend language?
A programming language is like currency. No currency is best, no currency is worst. Some currency is more popular than the others, more often than not, it's because of convenience. Is JavaScript the best? Don't think so. But for frontend, we don't have a...